The Surroundings
Torretta is a tiny half abandoned village of former olive farmers. It lies approx.60 m above our property and is not visible from it.
Our field of view includes Prela Castello, a beautiful well preserved medieval village which contains a castle ruin and a renovated church. Prela Castello lies on a ridge opposite our property at the same altitude and within shouting distance.
During the summer months more foreigners (German and English) than native Italians live there. There are a number of holiday cottages which are gladly rent to Buddhists.
From the retreat center one reaches the village via a Mulattiera (old mule path). This leads downs a steep slope to the stream which bounds our property, then over an old arched stone bridge and up to the village.
The waterfall is ca.10 m high and is one of the prettiest in the area. Unfortunately, its water flows only during the winter.